πŸ“£Community Guidelines

Last Updated: October 16, 2022

These Community Guidelines set forth the type of conduct and decorum expected of all participants of the untrading.org digital art community. The untrading.org team is dedicated to building an ecosystem that empowers artists and collectors to connect with one another, collaborate, and participate in a new, natively digital art economy. But we cannot do it without your help. In the interest of keeping this community an open environment and ensuring the economic growth of the untrading.org App, we’ve put together these Community Guidelines to help foster an app that can support all of us as creators, art enthusiasts, and friends.

Your use of the untrading.org App is strictly subject to these Community Guidelines and the official untrading.org Terms of Service found here.

App Conduct

The untrading.org App is a transparent and open digital art and other tokenized asset app that depends on the honest participation of all Users.

Users are Prohibited from Manipulating Market Prices

Users are expressly forbidden from accepting, soliciting, offering, bidding, engaging with the Smart Contracts, or otherwise transacting on or off of the untrading.org App with the intent to artificially devalue, inflate, or otherwise deceptively influence, misrepresent, or cause to be misrepresented the price a untrading.org Item, groups of untrading.org Items, or untrading.org Items created by particular Originators.

Users are Prohibited from Bidding on, Making Offers on, or Purchasing Their Own Works

untrading.org Artists, Minters, Creators, Originators, Owners, and Collectors are expressly forbidden from bidding, purchasing, or making offers on their own listed or offered untrading.org Items, especially for the purpose of artificially influencing the price of the listed Item(s).

Users are Prohibited from Anticompetitive Conduct

Users are generally forbidden from engaging in any deceptive conduct that may prevent competitive or fair bidding, artificially inflate or deflate the price of a work, simulate demand for work (i.e, "wash trading"), or any other anti-competitive bidding conduct such as but not limited to β€œpuffing,” β€œchill bidding,” β€œshill bidding,” β€œsham bidding,” or β€œsock puppet bidding.”

Buying and owning the same item by the same person within the same ownership Window Size (β€œw”, maximum number of owners involved in profit distribution) is prohibited by untrading.org, whether the user is using the same account, multiple accounts, or the wallet of a related person. If the Number of Generations of this Flow is 10, you are prohibited from purchasing the same item WITHIN the next 10 generations counting from your first ownership.

Users are Prohibited from Ownership Squatting

Users are prohibited from owning and operating multiple accounts on untrading.org or using related-person accounts to buy and own the same item in success. These practices are considered Ownership Squatting.

Users are Prohibited from Using the App to Conceal Economic Activity

Users are expressly forbidden from selling works, listing items for Auction, making bids during an auction, purchasing a work, or engaging in any other App transaction for the purpose of concealing economic activity, laundering money, or financing terrorism. For example, and without limitation, Users are forbidden from using the App and any Smart Contract to conceal or transfer proceeds or assets relating to criminal activity or to pay for an Item for any other reason than to obtain the Item. All Users expressly represent and warrant by performing transactions involving the untrading.org Site or Smart Contracts that their actions are legal under United States law and the jurisdiction from which they initiate the transaction.

Users Agree to Report Suspicious Market Activity

Users agree to report suspicious market activity of other untrading.org Users. If a User suspects that one or more untrading.org Users are in violation of these Terms, the User should promptly inform the untrading.org team at hello@untrading.org.

We’re asking you to:

Respect Other Community Members

A strong community is built on respect, so please keep all conversations civil and constructive. The crypto art community by and large is filled with artists and collectors who celebrate, inspire, and mentor creativity, talent, and innovation. We understand that like most crypto and art communities, the untrading.org community is not without disagreement or debate. Keep all discourse civil, open-minded, and respectful.

Avoid Harassment, Hate Speech, and Violence

Do not harass, bully, impersonate, or intimidate anyone in the untrading.org community. untrading.org has a zero-tolerance policy towards attacking or harassing a person or group based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity. We will not tolerate users who persistently harass, threaten violence, or use hate speech against other users or community members.

Resolve Your Own Personal Disputes

We encourage people to resolve their own personal disputes with other community members in a respectful, honest, and well-intentioned manner. In the interest of preserving an open, unbiased, and transparent community, the untrading.org Team will not involve itself or weigh in on or resolve interpersonal disputes or disagreements, Twitter wars, or debates about art or cryptocurrency.

Not Give Power to Hate

Do not promote, support, or glorify hateful or extremist ideologies, such as white supremacist or other terrorist groups. Do not use hate speech or symbols, like swastikas, the white power hand sign, racial slurs, or any other hateful factional or derisive signaling of any kind.

Respect Privacy

Respect other people’s privacy and protect your own. Do not publicly share private or personally-identifying information. This includes, but is not limited to, personal contact details, contact addresses, and private correspondence, including private correspondence between you and the untrading.org team.

Protect Your Keys

Always protect your Ethereum private key and back it up somewhere offline. untrading.org team members will never ask you for your private keys or any other personal info. If anyone asks you to send ETH or tokens, it's most likely a scam. Be smart and stay safe.

Respect the Creators

The Creators are the ones who make the magic happen, so be respectful to all untrading.org Creators even if you are not a fan of their work. untrading.org community members are the new tastemakers of the digital art future, so it is completely fine (and encouraged!) to comment on or criticize untrading.org artists or artwork for the purpose of discussion. However, you should not publicly disparage or target a specific artist with the intention of interfering with his or her ability to sell works, promote artwork, or receive a fair price for a particular transaction.

Share, Link, and Provide Attribution

Sharing is caring. We at untrading.org believe that more eyes on untrading.org artwork benefits the community as a whole. When sharing untrading.org artworks online, you should always provide a link to the artwork on the untrading.org website. This ensures that the artist will always receive recognition and credit for his or her creative efforts.

Do Not Spam

untrading.org is not a venue for you to post unsolicited or duplicate ads for products and services. You know what spamming is. Do not do it.

Do Not Hack

untrading.org uses some pretty cool decentralized technology (click here for information on smart contracts), but any technology carries a risk of exploitation. Users of the untrading.org App should never attempt to hack, circumvent, or spam the untrading.org Smart Contracts.

Respect Intellectual Property

untrading.org Artwork Department is an App for authentic and original digital art. Our Terms of Service expressly forbid artists from posting unauthorized, copied, or otherwise unoriginal content. untrading.org artists should especially refrain from posting, repurposing, or remixing the work of other untrading.org artists without permission. If you are unsure as to whether or not an artwork is a prohibited reproduction of someone else’s work, then do not tokenize it.

Monitor your Content

All artists should monitor their own art for infringing content before minting a token to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the App. Our Terms of Service expressly require artist to represent that their works contain no infringing or unauthorized material. We have no power to prevent an infringing work from being minted, but we do have the power to take down infringing works or remove artists from our community for repeatedly posting infringing content.

Keep the App Fair

The integrity of the App depends on the honest, open, and fair market activity of all Users. Users are forbidden from engaging in sham transactions, wash trading, fraud, price pumping, price-fixing, sham bidding, or any other type of market manipulation or anti-competitive conduct. Users are forbidden from, without limitation, selling works to themselves, creating fictitious accounts to bid on work for the purpose of influencing its market price or transferring works to other wallets controlled by the User or other conspirators to devalue or overvalue the work or works created by a particular artist.

Use the App to Buy Art and tokenized asset... and Nothing Else

untrading.org is a place for artwork and tokenized asset transactions, and not a place for illicit economic activity. Users are expressly forbidden from engaging into any transaction on the untrading.org App for the purpose of concealing economic activity not relating to artwork and tokenized asset transactions. For example, and without limitation, Users are forbidden from using the App to launder money, conceal or transfer proceeds relating to criminal activity, or to make payments to people for consideration other than a untrading.org artwork and tokenized assets.

Follow the Law

It is your responsibility to know your local laws and any other legal regulations that might apply to your participation in the untrading.org community. If you're wondering if it’s illegal, then it probably doesn’t have a place within untrading.org. We love creative freedom and have spent years building tools to support creative expression. Please don’t use the untrading.org App for evil.

Join the Conversation

Our Discord server is filled with artists, collectors and tokenized asset traders who discuss artwork, artistic techniques, tokenized asset trading and investing methods, suggest improvements to untrading.org, and engage in abstract conversations about the purpose of art. Maximize your involvement in this community by joining our Discord here.

Violations of These Guidelines

Penalties for Violations

We take enforcement seriously and prohibit anything that goes against our Terms of Service or these Guidelines, but we are not arbitrators of online disputes, disagreements, or arguments. untrading.org reserves the right to take any action that it may deem appropriate in response to a violation of its Community Guidelines, including by banning, removing, or restricting a User in any way it deems necessary.

Reporting User Behavior

If you suspect that User(s) may be engaging in serious behavior that is violative of these Guidelines or otherwise negatively impacts the community, please immediately contact us at legal@untrading.org.

Give us Feedback

We're crazy about feedback, so give us some. Contact community@untrading.org with ideas on how we can improve untrading.org, strengthen the community, or if you have any questions about our policies and guidelines. You may first want to check out our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Last updated