1. Go to Profile - untrading.org App and click on Collections tab.
2. Click on + to add a new Collection.
3. Type The Name of the Collection.
4. Type something to describe your personal Collection.
5. Click on Category
6. Choose a category
7. Click on Blockchain *
8. Choose a blockchain.
9. Click on Create
10. See it under the Collection tab
11. You will see the empty Collection you have just created. Click on the big Edit icon to select a file on the computer to be the Featured Image of the Collection.
12. Select an image (500x500 pixels recommended) from the upload menu and click Open to upload.
13. Click on the small Edit icon to upload a logo image.
14. Click on Select an image file an image file (350x350 pixels recommended) on computer
15. Click Open to upload.
16. A new Collection is created.
17. Click on the Collected tab.
18. Click on the "hide" arrow as highlighted.
19. Click on the three dots at the bottom.
20. Add the unNFT to the newly created Collection by clicking on the name.
21. A "SUCCESS" confirmation will appear on the top-right corner.