πŸ”How to Buy and Sell unCryptos on untrading.org Testnet

Acquire test BTC and ETH and use it to swap into other test tokens; Wrap and unwrap unBTC and unETH from test WBTC and test WETH; Buy and sell unBTC and unETH offerings on the untrading marketplace.

untrading is a revolutionary platform that allows you to invest in cryptocurrencies with enhanced profitability, transparency and ownership history. By using the innovative Decentralized Strategy As A Platform (dSaaP) created by ERC-5173, you can participate in the future value increase of your tokens even after you sell them. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the testnet version of untrading to get familiar with its features and functionalities.

Are you ready to rewrite the rules of investing? With untrading and its revolutionary unCryptos, you can! unCryptos are living, breathing investments that keep rewarding you long after you sell. These dynamic investment vehicles are defined by four key parameters: Total Rewards (R), Originator's Rewards (ORs), Future Rewards (FRs), and Number of Participating Generations (# of Gens). These parameters dictate your share of future profits, the Originator's cut, and the token's lineage. Dive into the testnet with this tutorial and unlock the secrets of personalized wealth creation with unCryptos!

Ready to take control of your crypto future? Let's begin!


Before you start, you will need the following:

  • A web browser that supports Web3, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Brave.

  • A MetaMask wallet extension installed on your browser and connected to the Ethereum testnet (Sepolia), as well as the Polygon testnet (Amoy). (You need to enable Ethereum test networks on MetaMask's "Select a network" popup and tick the "Show test networks" option. To add Polygon Amoy to your wallet, please follow this page: https://polygon.technology/blog/introducing-the-amoy-testnet-for-polygon-pos.)

  • Some test ETH and test MATIC in your MetaMask wallet.

  • A basic understanding of cryptocurrency trading concepts, such as tokens, swaps, and wrapping.

Step 1: Acquire Test Tokens

To use untrading, you will need some test tokens that represent different cryptocurrencies. You can directly mint test tokens on our Sepolia chain. On other testnets, you can swap your test ETH (or test MATIC) for test WBTC, test WETH, test USDT, and test USDC on the https://testnet.untrading.org/ testnet.

Testnet Native Tokens:


Untrading Testnet Tokens:

  • Go to the https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos testnet and click on the Test Tokens button.

  • Select the blockchain from the drop-down menu (e.g. Sepolia).

  • Select the desired output token from the drop-down menus.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen for WBTC, WETH, SOL, LINK, UNI, UN, USDC or USDT.

  • Click on "Mint" and confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

  • Repeat the process for other tokens you want to acquire.

Once you have some test USDC and USDT tokens, you can buy unBTC and unETH on https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos.

  • To buy an existing offering, go to https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos, or click on the β€œMarkets" tab on any other page you are on.

  • Browse the available offerings and find one that matches your preferences.

  • Click on the β€œBuy - Limit" button and enter the number of tokens you want to buy.

  • Click on β€œBuy - Limit",approve amount of payment tokens then confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status on Etherscan.

You will receive the tokens you bought, and the seller will receive the tokens you paid.

untrading uses its own tokens, called unBTC, unETH, unSOL, unLINK, unUNI, and UNΒ², to enable the dSaaP features. These tokens are wrapped versions of WBTC, WETH, SOL, LINK, UNI and UN respectively, which are ERC-20 tokens that represent Bitcoin and Ether on the Ethereum network. To wrap your unBTC, unETH, unSOL, unLINK, unUNI, and UNΒ² into unBTC/USDT and unETH/USDC, for example, follow these steps:

  • In the upper-right corner of https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos, click the "Wrap Crypto" menu under your Avatar.

  • Select WBTC as the Original token and USDT as the Payment token from the drop-down menus.

  • Enter the amount of WBTC you want to wrap or click on "Max" to wrap all your WBTC.

  • Enter the Total Reward Ratio, Originator Reward Ratio (OR) and Number of Generations you are specifying for this unique unToken.

  • Click on "Wrap" and confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status on Etherscan.

  • Repeat the process for WETH .

Turn your test unBTC, unETH, unSOL, unLINK, unUNI, and UNΒ² into rewards! Sell them on the marketplace and unlock your Testnet earnings.

To sell an existing offering, go to https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos and click on the Avatar.

  • Click the "Profile" menu and find the offering you want to sell and click on the β€œSell” button.

  • Enter the number of tokens you want to sell and the price per token you want to receive.

  • Click on the "List for sale" button and confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status on Etherscan.

To change an existing offering price, go to https://testnet.untrading.org/uncryptos and click on the Avatar.

  • Click the "Profile" menu and find the offering you want to change and click into detail page.

  • Open the "..." menu under the price and click "Change price".

  • Modify the amount of token you want to sell and the price per token you want to receive.

  • Click on the "Change price" button and confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status on Etherscan.


Congratulations! You have learned how to use the testnet version of untrading, a commission-free crypto investment protocol that enables token owners to benefit from future price increases even after selling their tokens. Once you’ve bought your unBTC and unETH, please immediately list them for sale so other users can buy your tokens. The real magic happens after you have sold them as you can now watch your Future Rewards grow. This is the fundamental difference between untrading and any other platforms.

You can now explore the platform and experiment with different trading strategies. Remember, this is a testnet version, so the tokens you use have no real value and the platform may not be fully functional or stable.

You have learned how to:

  • Acquire test tokens;

  • Wrap and unwrap unBTC, unETH, unSOL, unLINK, unUNI, and UNΒ² from test WBTC and test WETH, test SOL, test LINK, test UNI and test UN tokens;

  • Buy and sell unToken offerings on the uncryptos marketplace.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at support@untrading.org. Happy testing!

Last updated